Meal photos and corresponding postprandial CGM data
Meal context data: bolus insulin, carbs, patients’ notes and tags, activity levels (in development)
See the big picture
Monthly view with CGM data for every day at the bottom of calendar cell
Сheck the patient’s day-by-day data at one glance to find out the problematic periods to look
Choose a particular day to examine the details, or select a period of time to create a glucose profile report
Hypoglycemia events are highlighted
Zoom into the details
Examine 24 hours glucose data for a selected day accompanied with bolus insulin data, and patient’s meals details: meal photo, meal tags, carbs, preprandial and postprandial glucose measurements, postprandial Time in Range and patient’s note
Evaluate patients’ progress with reports
Generate a printable PDF-report with a patient’s overview and in-depth data to optimize their diabetes management See an example
Interactive postprandial glucose profile
Identify meals that are “flat narrow”, causing glucose spikes, or are followed by hypoglycemia
Compare how different meal ingredients affect post-prandial glucose
Find foods contributing the most to Time in Range / Above Range
Check timing and amount of bolus associated with the meals
Ready to use in health systems
Top-notch solution for remote patient monitoring and best remote care for your patients
Data Security: GDPR / CCPA / HIPAA compliant
Export data into your EHR (in development)
App for your patients
Get access to all your patients' data in real time when they use Undermyfork App